Did you book your train tickets at SNCB International, either online, through our app or via our contact centre? With MyTrain, you can find all your booking details, such as departure times or seat numbers, very easily.
You can cancel or change your bookings online
You can print out your tickets again at any time
You can store your details and travel preferences and save time with each new booking
{"odCombinationData":[{"origins":["BEABC"],"destinations":["FRPNO","NLRTC","FRPAR","NLASC"]},{"origins":["FRPNO","NLRTC","FRPAR","NLASC"],"destinations":["BEABC"]},{"origins":["BEBMI"],"destinations":["FRPNO","NLASC","NLASZ","FRLPD","FRMSC","FRMLV","DEKOH","NLRTC","NLSHL","FRMLW","FRPAR","GBSPX"]},{"origins":["FRPNO","NLASC","NLASZ","FRLPD","FRMSC","FRMLV","DEKOH","NLRTC","NLSHL","FRMLW","FRPAR","GBSPX"],"destinations":["BEBMI"]},{"origins":["BELGG"],"destinations":["FRPNO","FRPAR"]},{"origins":["FRPNO","FRPAR"],"destinations":["BELGG"]}],"calendarLegend":"Lowest fare of the day for 1 adult","stationMappingData":[{"station":"FRLYO","mappedStation":"FRLPD"},{"station":"FRPAR","mappedStation":"FRPNO"},{"station":"NLASD","mappedStation":"NLASZ"}]}
{"allowedPassengerTypes":[{"code":"65","key":"MF_Single_Senior65","label":"Senior (65+)"},{"code":"S","key":"MF_Single_Senior","label":"Senior (60-64)"},{"code":"A","key":"MF_Single_Adult","label":"Adult (26-59)"},{"code":"Y","key":"MF_Single_Youth15to25","label":"Youth (15-25)"},{"code":"12","key":"MF_Single_Youth12to14","label":"Youth (12-14)"},{"code":"6","key":"MF_Single_Kid6to11","label":"Child (6-11)"},{"code":"4","key":"MF_Single_Kid4to5","label":"Child (4-5)"},{"code":"3","key":"MF_Single_Kid0to3WithTicket","label":"Child (0-3)"},{"code":"0","key":"MF_Single_Kid0to3","label":"Child (0-3) on parents' lap - FREE"}],"allowedReductionCards":[{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"NMBS_50%","label":"50% discount Belgium (SNCB)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"GBA","label":"100% discount Belgium (SNCB)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"VDU","label":"40% discount Netherlands (NS)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"GNA","label":"100% discount Netherlands (NS)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"GLA","label":"100% discount Luxembourg (CFL)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"THEPASS BU","label":"Frequent Pass (Eurostar)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"THEPASS PR","label":"Premium Pass (Eurostar)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"251","label":"Bahncard 25 1st class (DB)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"252","label":"Bahncard 25 2nd class (DB)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"501","label":"Bahncard 50 1st class (DB)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"502","label":"Bahncard 50 2nd class (DB)"},{"requiredFtpCard":2,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"CAJ","label":"Carte Avantage Jeune (SNCF)"},{"requiredFtpCard":2,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"CAS","label":"Carte Avantage Senior (SNCF)"},{"requiredFtpCard":2,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"CLB","label":"Carte Liberté (SNCF)"},{"requiredFtpCard":3,"requiredReductionCard":null,"residenceCountryRequired":false,"countryRequired":false,"passCountries":null,"card":"CAE","label":"Carte Avantage - 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{"noDiscountCardSelected":"No discount card(s) selected","noTrainServiceSelected":null,"noEmpoyeeReductionSelected":null,"discountCardPlaceholder":"Choose a discount card","trainServicePlaceholder":null,"employeeReductionPlaceholder":null,"oneAdultValidationMessage":null,"euregioAdultChildValidationMessage":null,"emptyCountryList":"Country list empty"}
If you’d like to make a group reservation (9+ people), please contact our groups service by telephone or via the online form.
You can optionally book a ticket at child fare if you want a reserved seat for your baby on Thalys, Eurostar and TGV (recommended if you want to benefit from the Forfait Bambin on TGV INOUI). Reserving a seat is compulsory for journeys operated by long distance buses.
Children under 4 years old travel for free and don't need a ticket if they don't require a reserved seat.
Do you have a MyTrain account? (optional)
Log in to retrieve passengers, discount and loyalty cards from your account.Do you have a MyTrain account? (optional)
Log in to have your passenger details pre-filled.
The discount cards below are accepted on our website. If you want to use a different discount card, please call the Contact Centre. Please note: you will need to show proof of entitlement during on-board inspection.
50% discount Belgium (SNCB)
If you have a reduction card giving 50% discount on the Belgian rail network (e.g. Large Families, Preferential Reimbursement or Military card), you also get 50% discount on the Belgian part of an international journey with InterCity or regional trains at Standard fare.
100% discount Belgium (SNCB)
Holders of a valid travel pass, Unlimited Season Ticket or token for free transport on the Belgian rail network (visual impaired travellers, parliament members, police in uniform etc...) do not have to pay for the Belgian part of an international journey with conventional IC or local trains.
40% discount Netherlands (NS)
Holders of some types of NS season tickets (e.g. OV-Jaarabonnement, depending on the travel time and the season ticket conditions) get 40% discount on the Dutch part of an international journey with conventional trains to/from the Netherlands.
100% discount Netherlands (NS)
Holders of a valid railpass for the Dutch rail network and holders of some types of NS season tickets (e.g. OV-Jaarabonnement, depending on the travel time and the season ticket conditions) do not pay for the Dutch part of an international journey with conventional trains to/from the Netherlands.
100% discount Luxembourg (CFL)
Holders of a valid travel pass, Network Railcard or token for free transport on the Luxembourg rail network do not have to pay for the Luxembourg part of an international journey with conventional IC or local trains.
Frequent Pass (Eurostar)
ThePass members pay a membership fee entitling them to reduced fares and increased flexibility when travelling to certain Eurostar destinations.
Premium Pass (Eurostar)
ThePass members pay a membership fee entitling them to reduced fares and increased flexibility when travelling between Paris and Brussels.
Bahncard 25 1st class (DB)
This card gives 25% discount in Germany when travelling with ICE or conventional trains (not valid on Thalys).
Bahncard 25 2nd class (DB)
This card gives 25% discount in Germany when travelling with ICE or conventional trains (not valid on Thalys).
Bahncard 50 1st class (DB)
This card gives 50% discount in Germany when travelling with ICE or conventional trains (not valid on Thalys).
Bahncard 50 2nd class (DB)
This card gives 50% discount in Germany when travelling with ICE or conventional trains (not valid on Thalys).
Carte Avantage Jeune (SNCF)
This discount card for travellers from 12 to 27 years old offers a 30% discount on TGV and Intercités journeys in France and in Europe.
Carte Avantage Senior (SNCF)
This discount card for travellers of 60 years and over offers a 30% discount on TGV and Intercités journeys in France and in Europe.
Carte Liberté (SNCF)
The Carté Liberté is sold at the fixed price of €399 per year. This card is valid in 1st and 2nd class throughout France and offers 45% discount on the Business Première fare or 60% discount on the Seconde fare (as well as 50% discount to a maximum of 3 accompanying children).
Carte Avantage - child companion (SNCF)
Discount for maximum 3 children (4 to 11 years old) who travel together with the holder of a valid Carte Avantage.
Half-Fare Travelcard (SBB)
Discount of 50% with the Half-Fare Travelcard (SBB)
Loyalty cards
Enter the My Thalys World, Carte Grand Voyageur or Eurostar loyalty card number for each passenger. Note: this card is nominative and not transferable.
Book your TGV France-Spain train ticketsTGV France-Spain
Yes, you can travel by train to Spain in a fast, comfortable and sustainable way! Twice a day, the TGV France-Spain departs from Paris Gare de Lyon and reaches Barcelona in only 6h31 (also serving Figueres and Girona).
Why choose the TGV France-Spain?
Connects Paris Gare de Lyon to Barcelona Sants in 6h31 only.
Also serves Valence TGV, Nîmes, Montpellier, Sète, Agde, Béziers, Narbonne, Perpignan, Figueres and Girona
Travel sustainably by reducing your carbon footprint
Our advice: change trains in Valence TGV rather than Paris
By default, our planner will suggest the fastest connections, and the fastest connections from Brussels to Barcelona are via Paris.
But you can also travel from Brussels to Barcelona with a connection at Valence TGV rather than Paris. The journey will take a few minutes longer, but this will save you changing stations in Paris. To do so, click on "More options", enter the transit station "Aéroport Charles de Gaulle" in the "via" field and allow up to 40 min. transfer time.
The TGV bar carriage is open to all passengers. Here you can purchase a wide selection of refreshments including drinks, warm meals, sandwiches and salads, as well as magazines, children's games, USB sticks, Paris Metro maps, etc.
Book the family compartment to enjoy a relaxing journey with your children, who’ll have the freedom to move around and play as they please. Each family compartment has 4 seats in carriages.
To reserve a family compartment (subject to availability), simply request one when booking. You can do this at any SNCB International station, via the SNCB International Contact Centre or at your travel agent.
Frequent questions about TGV France-SpainQuestions about TGV France-Spain
What's the easiest way to find the lowest fares for high-speed trains?
For most high-speed trains (notably Eurostar, TGV INOUI, TGV Lyria and ICE), the cheapest fares are available in limited quantities. So to benefit from the best prices, we suggest you avoid peak times and book your journey as far ahead as possible.
In some circumstances, it can be more cost-effective to travel as a group, as some rail companies offer fares which are exclusively available to small groups of 3-5 passengers, like the "Pack Tribu" fare on TGV INOUI, for example.
Finally, many railway operators regularly run temporary offerson fares, offering passengers good deals on rail travel. To ensure you don't miss out on these offers, we recommend you visit our website or Facebook page regularly, or sign up for our newsletter.
How many items of luggage can I take on board TGV INOUI?How much luggage can I take on board TGV INOUI?
All luggage is under the passenger's responsibility and must be labelled with the owner's name and telephone number;
You must be able to carry your baggage yourself, and all at once (except for PRMs with assistance). After the platform access gates, only ticket holders are allowed on the platform.
On board the train, no luggage or personal belongings may obstruct the corridors or doors. Small items of luggage can be stored in the luggage racks above your seat. For larger items of luggage, there are spaces at the ends and in the middle of each carriage.
Each passenger can take up to:
2 items of luggage (suitcase, travel bag, sports bag, large rucksack, etc.) no larger than 70 x 90 x 50cm, and
1 item of hand luggage (small rucksack, shopping bag, computer bag) no larger than 40 x 30 x 15 cm.
If you need to transport an object with special dimensions, you can take up to:
1 item of luggage (suitcase, travel bag, sports bag, large rucksack, etc.) no larger than 70 x 90 x 50 cm;
1 item of labelled special baggage, such as a pushchair, scooter (folded), musical instrument in a case, pair of skis (in a cover), waterboard or snowboard (in a cover) no larger than 90 x 130 cm;
1 item of hand luggage (small rucksack, shopping bag, computer bag) no larger than 40 x 30 x 15 cm.
How do I get from Paris Nord station to Paris Gare de LyonHow do I get from Paris Nord to Paris Gare de Lyon
In Paris, Gare de Lyon is the departure point for most TGV trains to the Alps, Provence, Côte d'Azur, Occitania, Switzerland, Italy and Barcelona..
To get from Paris Nord station to Gare de Lyon, you can take a taxi, hire a bike (or a scooter), but nothing is easier than the RER (the suburban train network that runs through Paris).
When your train arrives at Paris Nord station, follow the train platform until you arrive at the underground metro and RER station (following the RER signs, line D).
Take RER D towards Corbeil-Essonnes / Melun / Malesherbes and get off at Gare de Lyon.
The RER takes only 2 stops and 15 minutes to connect the city's two main train stations. However, you should allow at least a good half hour for your transfer, the time needed to find your way around the corridors of the underground stations.
This RER transfer is not included in your TGV tickets, but you can take the RER between the two stations with a simple metro ticket.
Tip: to save time in Paris, you can buy your metro tickets in advance in the Thalys bar carriage.
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