Did you book your train tickets at SNCB International, either online, through our app or via our contact centre? With MyTrain, you can find all your booking details, such as departure times or seat numbers, very easily.
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In contrast to other railway companies, there are no specific fares for youths or seniors available for ICE services. Instead, you can choose between three fare categories: 'Supersparpreis', 'Sparpreis' and 'Flexpreis' (as from 1 August 2018). These are available in 1st and 2nd class. There are also fares for children (under 15 years old) and passengers with reduced mobility.
Tip: when booking online, just indicate the number of passengers per age group and our booking system automatically gives you all the corresponding fares.
Seat reservation on ICE trains is optional, for a supplement of €6* per journey in addition to your ticket at the Supersparpreis or Sparpreis fare. If you have a Flexpreis ticket, however, seat reservation is free and automatically included when buying your ticket.
Children younger than 15 years old travel free of charge if they are accompanied by an adult with either a Sparpreis or a Flexpreis ticket.
Children travelling alone:
Passengers with reduced mobility pay full fare and their companions travel with a free campanion ticket. Belgian wheelchair users must have a national 'free companion' card issued by SNCB or a EU Disability Card with letter “A”.
Travel class: Available in 2nd class only. Seats 66 and 68 in carriages 25 and 35 are available for wheelchair users.
Ticket flexibility (companion's ticket): No exchange or reimbursement possible
Blind or visually-impaired passengers pay full fare and their companions or guide dogs travel with a free companion ticket. Belgian blind or visually-impaired passengers must have a national 'free companion' card issued by SNCB or a EU Disability Card with letter “A”.
Travel class: Available in 1st and 2nd classes
Ticket flexibility (companion's ticket): No exchange or reimbursement possible